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A letter of thanks from the Indonesian Weda Bay Project

Recently, NEP Co., Ltd. received a letter of thanks from MCC Southern Urban Environmental Protection Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. The letter fully recognized and highly praised the contribution made by the company and the stationed project representative Comrade Liu Zhengqing to the high-quality development of the Indonesian Weda Bay project.

The 6×250MW+2×380MW thermal power generation construction project group in Indonesia’s Weda Bay Industrial Park is a benchmark project in the “Belt and Road” initiative of MCC Southern Urban Environmental Protection General Contracting. The project has a tight schedule and heavy tasks. The company overcame many difficulties, dispatched in an orderly manner, and completed the equipment delivery of the project on time, quality and quantity. Comrade Liu Zhengqing, the company's after-sales engineer, was not afraid of the risk of the epidemic and went overseas to perform on-site services. He stayed on the project for two years and worked hard on the construction site for two consecutive Spring Festivals to provide 18 vertical circulating water pumps with a diameter of 1600LK and above for the project. He made outstanding contributions to the smooth installation, commissioning and operation of the equipment and was rated as the "Excellent Manufacturer Representative" of the project by the customer.

Stay true to our original aspiration, put customers first, customer recognition is our biggest driving force for progress, and continuing to create value for users is our eternal pursuit. In building a modern and powerful Chinese-style country and on the new journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we will continue to work hard and move forward courageously.
Attached: Original certificate of honor and letter of thanks


Post time: Oct-28-2022