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A new starting point, heading towards the future – New Year’ s Commencement Mobilization Meeting of NEP


On February 8, 2022, the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, Hunan NEP Pump Co., Ltd. held a New Year's mobilization meeting. At 8:08 am, the meeting kicked off with a solemn flag-raising ceremony. The bright five-star red flag rose slowly accompanied by the majestic national anthem. All employees saluted the flag with great reverence and wished the motherland prosperity.

Subsequently, production director Wang Run led all employees to review the company's vision and work style.
Ms. Zhou Hong, the general manager of the company, extended her best wishes for the New Year to everyone and thanked all employees for their past contributions to the company's high-quality development. Mr. Zhou emphasized that 2022 is a critical year for the development of the company. He hopes that all employees can quickly adjust their status, unify their thinking, and devote themselves to work with full enthusiasm and professionalism. Focus on the following tasks: first, implement the plan to ensure the realization of business indicators; second, seize the market leader and achieve new breakthroughs; third, attach importance to technological innovation, improve product quality, and enhance the NEP brand; fourth, strengthen production plans to ensure The contract is delivered on time; the fifth is to pay attention to cost control and consolidate the management foundation; the sixth is to strengthen civilized production, adhere to prevention first, and provide safety guarantee for the company's development.

In the new year, we must strive for excellence, work hard, and write a new chapter for the NEP with the majesty of a tiger, the energy of a vigorous tiger, and the spirit of a tiger that can swallow thousands of miles!


Post time: Feb-08-2022