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A thank you letter from Serbia

August 11 , 2023 , Nep Pump Industry received a special gift — a letter of thanks from the project department of the second phase of the Kostorac Power Station in Serbia thousands of miles away .
The letter of thanks was jointly issued by the Regional Department Three of the Third Engineering Complete Business Department of CMEC and the Serbian Kostorac Power Station Project Department. The letter expressed gratitude to our company for its positive contribution to the on-time operation of the fire water system and industrial water replenishment system of the project. , fully affirmed the professional attitude, service quality and professionalism of our after-sales team.


(English vision)

China National Machinery Industry Engineering Group Co., Ltd.
Serbia KOSTOLAC-B Power Station Phase II Project

To Hunan Neptune Pump Industry Co., Ltd.:

The KOSTOLAC-B350MW supercritical parameter coal-fired unit power plant project in Serbia is a key project in the cooperation framework agreement between China and Serbia. It is also the first power plant project implemented by CMEC as the general contractor in Europe and constructed in accordance with EU emission standards. The owner has budgeted a total of US$715.6million for the Serbian State Electricity Corporation (EPS) project, which is the largest project in Serbia's energy sectorin the past 20 years, and its power generation accounts for 11% of the country's total power generation. Solving the power load increase of more than 30% in winter will significantly alleviate the local power shortage and play a great role inpromoting the social and economic development of Serbia. As a equipment supplier of the CMEC Third Engineering Complete Business Unit, NEP has a high sense of responsibility and mission,effectively organized production and on-site services, and made due contributions to the timely commissioning of the fire water system and industrial water replenishment system. Thank you for Your firm support for our company's procurement work!

I wish your company a prosperous development!

CMEC No. 1 complete set business department, regional department three
Chinese machinery and equipment
KOSTOLAG-B Power Station Project Department
Project Department
August 4, 2023
Heart Hunan Neptune Pump Industry Co., Ltd.

Post time: Aug-11-2023