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After 90 days of hard work, NEP Pump Industry held a summary and commendation meeting for the second quarter labor competition

On July 11, 2020, NEP Pump Industry held a labor competition summary and commendation meeting for the second quarter of 2020. More than 70 people including company supervisors and above, employee representatives, and labor competition award-winning activists attended the meeting.

Ms. Zhou Hong, the general manager of the company, first summarized the labor competition in the second quarter of 2020 . She pointed out that since the launch of the labor competition in the second quarter, various departments and all employees have set off an upsurge in production battles around the competition goals . The majority of cadres and employees were innovative and pragmatic, worked together as one, and successfully completed various indicators in the second quarter and the first half of the year. In particular, output value, payment collection, sales revenue, and net profit all increased significantly compared with the same period in 2019 . The performance is gratifying. While affirming the achievements , he also pointed out the shortcomings in the work, and made arrangements for key tasks in the second half of the year. All employees were required to continue to carry forward the corporate spirit of not being afraid of difficulties, being courageous to take responsibility, and daring to fight, and pay close attention to market expansion and payment collection. Strengthen the coordination of production plans, strictly control product quality, increase technological innovation, improve internal team building, enhance team combat effectiveness , and strive to achieve the annual operating goals.

Subsequently, the conference commended advanced teams and outstanding individuals. Representatives of advanced collectives and competition activists delivered acceptance speeches respectively. While summarizing the results, everyone also carefully analyzed the shortcomings in their work and put forward targeted rectification measures. They were full of confidence in completing the annual goals.

Those who share the same desire will win. Under the guidance of the NEP spirit, "NEP people" worked together to overcome the difficulties and won the battle in the second quarter, successfully completing the operating targets for the first half of the year ; in the second half of the year, we will be full of energy , with full work enthusiasm, solid work style, and attitude of excellence , we will provide customers with high-quality products and services, and redouble our efforts to achieve the 2020 business goals.

Post time: Jul-13-2020