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Facing the sunshine, dreams set sail—The 2022 annual summary and commendation meeting of NEP Holdings was successfully held

One yuan begins again, and everything is renewed. On the afternoon of January 17, 2023, NEP Holdings grandly held the 2022 Annual Summary and Commendation Conference. Chairman Geng Jizhong, general manager Zhou Hong and all employees attended the meeting.

First of all, General Manager Ms. Zhou Hong made the "2022 Annual Operation Report" to the conference. The report pointed out: In 2022, under the leadership of the Board of Directors, the company overcame the impact of the epidemic, withstood the pressure of economic downturn, and successfully completed the tasks assigned by the Board of Directors. The achievement of various tasks and achievements is the result of the trust of customers, the strong support from all walks of life, and the joint efforts of employees; in 2023, the company will target new performance heights, plan scientifically, seize opportunities, continue to strive, and achieve greater results.

Subsequently, the company's 2022 advanced collectives, advanced workers, elite sales teams and individuals, innovative projects and advanced labor unions were commended respectively. Award-winning representatives shared their work experience and successful experiences with everyone, and were full of hope for new goals in the coming year.


At the meeting, the company's chairman, Mr. Geng Jizhong, extended cordial greetings and best wishes to all employees, and expressed warm congratulations to the various advanced individuals who were commended. He pointed out that our goal is to build the company into a benchmark company in the pump industry and an evergreen company. To realize this dream, we must persist in product innovation, take the road of information intelligence, carry forward the fine traditions and entrepreneurial spirit of honesty, integrity, dedication, and collaboration, establish correct values, adhere to lean thinking to promote enterprise development, and ensure the effective improvement and improvement of enterprise quality. Reasonable growth in quantity.


Finally, Mr. Geng and Mr. Zhou together with the management team paid New Year greetings and sent New Year blessings to all employees who have worked hard with the company over the past year.

The commendation meeting ended perfectly with the firm and heroic chorus of "Everyone Rows the Boat". The horn of a new journey has sounded, and our dreams have set sail again. We face the sun, ride the wind and waves, and set sail.

Post time: Jan-18-2023