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Fighting hard for 90 days to achieve “double and half” – NEP Pump Industry held a mobilization meeting for the “Second Quarter Labor Competition”

  In order to ensure the timely delivery of the contract and the realization of the annual business goals, stimulate the work enthusiasm and enthusiasm of all employees, and minimize the adverse impact of the epidemic, on April 1, 2020, NEP Pump Industry held a "90-day fight to achieve 'Double More than Half'" second-quarter labor competition mobilization meeting launched a comprehensive war to defend the corporate economy. All management staff attended the meeting.

At the meeting, General Manager Ms. Zhou Hong analyzed the domestic and international economic situation and the company's operating conditions in the first quarter, and made detailed arrangements for key tasks such as sales, production, R&D, and management in the second quarter. Mr. Zhou pointed out that due to the impact of the epidemic in the first quarter of 2020, the global economy has declined sharply, the domestic economic situation is not optimistic, and the company's operating indicators have also declined slightly compared with the same period last year. However, a series of economic measures recently introduced by the Party Central Committee and the State Council have firmly Confidence in the company's continued development. All employees must use this labor competition as a platform, not forgetting safety, exerting all their energy, and gathering strength to fight the tough battle of order delivery in the second quarter; management cadres must play an exemplary role and have new ideas and new measures under the new situation to consolidate Basic management work; plan in advance and formulate comprehensive marketing strategies to seize market opportunities; strictly control quality and costs to maximize benefits.

Subsequently, the production and manufacturing director made a speech on behalf of all employees, demonstrating the confidence and determination to successfully complete the task.

Finally, Chairman Geng Jizhong gave a concluding speech. He pointed out that since its establishment, NEP Pump Industry has always adhered to the business philosophy of "strive for excellence and provide customers with high-quality, environmentally friendly, efficient and energy-saving products and services", and is a team that dares and is good at fighting tough battles. Although the first quarter was affected by the epidemic, the company focused on resuming work and focusing on prevention and control, basically controlling the adverse effects to a minimum. In the second quarter, we hope that all employees will take the labor competition as an opportunity to fully tap their potential and always be in awe and gratitude. On the premise of ensuring quality, we will successfully complete the second quarter operating indicators and win this tough battle.

Special times bring special working conditions. On the premise of strict epidemic prevention and control, "Nip people" will live up to their time, forge ahead, and continue to work hard to meet customer needs and achieve the company's 2020 business goals!

Post time: Apr-03-2020