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Gathering momentum to start again—Nap Holdings held a sales work meeting

On October 8, the first day after the National Day holiday, in order to boost morale and achieve the annual work target, NEP Co., Ltd. organized a sales work meeting. Company leaders and all market sales staff attended the meeting.


At the meeting, a review and analysis of the marketing work in the first three quarters of 2022 was conducted, fully affirming the achievements of all sales staff under multiple pressures such as the epidemic and the turbulent international situation. The ordering tasks for the whole year bucked the trend and were higher than the same period last year. There has been a big increase. Among them, the three important bidding sections of ExxonMobil Huizhou Ethylene Project Phase I: industrial water pumps, cooling circulating water pumps, rainwater pumps, and fire pumps all won the bids. The two bidding sections of the National Pipeline Network Longkou LNG Project, process seawater pumps and fire pumps, won the bid. Winning bid. At the same time, the problems existing in the sales work were analyzed, and the sales focus and measures for the fourth quarter of this year were put forward. The sales managers of each branch summarized the work in their respective areas and put forward ideas and measures for the next step. At the meeting, a group of sales elites were recommended to share their practical experience. Everyone spoke freely and expressed their opinions. The atmosphere was very warm. They all said that they would serve every customer with fuller work passion and skilled business skills, and they would not relax in focusing on the annual goals. Complete the full-year goals and tasks with high quality.


Summary, analysis, and sharing are for a better start. The goal is the direction, the goal gathers strength, and NEP sales is ready to start again! "Stay strong despite all the hardships, no matter how strong the winds are." We will forge ahead on a new journey and create new achievements with the tenacity to stay firm and never let go!

Post time: Oct-17-2022