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NEP held a 2023 business plan publicity meeting

On the morning of January 3, 2023, the company held a publicity meeting for the 2023 business plan. All managers and overseas branch managers attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Ms. Zhou Hong, the general manager of the company, briefly reported on the work implementation in 2022, focusing on the promotion and implementation of the 2023 business plan. She pointed out that in 2022, the company's management fully implemented the requirements of the board of directors, worked together around the business goals, and overcame many difficulties. All operating indicators achieved growth. The achievements were not easy and embody the hard work of managers and employees at all levels of the company. and efforts, sincerely thank customers and all sectors of society for their strong support to NEP. In 2023, in order to fully ensure the completion of business indicators, Mr. Zhou made a detailed interpretation from the company's strategy, business philosophy, core goals, work ideas and measures, key tasks, etc., focusing on the theme of high-quality corporate development, focusing on markets, products, In innovation and management, we insist on striving for progress while maintaining stability, using the word "dare" to exert our strength and create a first-class brand; we insist on being innovation-driven and cultivating new driving forces for development; we persist in striving for excellence and comprehensively improve the quality of corporate economic operations.


In the new year, opportunities and challenges coexist. All employees of NEP will work hard and move forward bravely, setting off towards the new goal!

Post time: Jan-04-2023