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NEP pumps successfully completed the labor union election

On June 10, 2021, the company held the first employee representative conference of the fifth session, with 47 employee representatives participating in the meeting. Chairman Mr. Geng Jizhong attended the meeting.

Nep Pumps Held A 2021 Business Plan Publicity Meeting

The meeting opened with the national anthem. Tian Lingzhi, chairman of the trade union, gave a work report entitled "Family Harmony and Enterprise Revitalization". In recent years, the company's trade union has been pragmatic and innovative, performed its duties conscientiously, and actively promoted the construction of family culture. The trade union organization has carried out a series of activities in participating in production and operation, promoting democratic management, safeguarding employee rights and interests, building the workforce, promoting corporate culture, and serving the people. This series of work has given full play to its leadership and service functions, effectively promoted the company's development, and filled the big Naip family with warmth and strength.

Trade union member Li Xiaoying presented the "Fifth Employee Representative Election Situation and Qualification Review Report" to the conference. Trade union member Tang Li introduced the list of candidates for trade union members and employee supervisor candidates and the election methods to the conference.

The 15 candidates for trade union committee members delivered passionate election speeches respectively. The employee representatives used secret voting to successfully elect the new trade union committee and the new employee supervisors.

Nep Pumps Held A 2021 Business Plan Publicity Meeting

Nep Pumps Held A 2021 Business Plan Publicity Meeting

Tang Li, the newly elected trade union member, spoke on behalf of the new trade union committee, saying that in the future work, she will conscientiously implement the company's strategic goals, conscientiously perform various trade union responsibilities, carry forward the spirit of selfless dedication, truth-seeking, pioneering and innovative, and work together as one Work together to serve businesses and employees well.

Nep Pumps Held A 2021 Business Plan Publicity Meeting

Chairman Mr. Geng Jizhong made an important speech. He pointed out: An enterprise is like a ship sailing in the stormy waves of the market economy. If it wants to be stable and prosperous, all the people on the ship must work together to withstand the impact of the huge waves and reach the other side of success. We hope that all employees will be prepared for danger in times of peace, keep in mind the corporate spirit of "precision, collaboration, integrity, and enterprising", be brave enough to take on responsibilities, be cooperative and friendly, strive for excellence, and pay attention to quality. All work must start from creating value for users and make extraordinary achievements in ordinary positions. Achievements and realize self-worth in creating value for users. It is hoped that the new trade union committee will play a good role as a bridge of trade union organizations, strive to innovate the carrier of trade union activities, enrich the content of trade union activities, cultivate a group of knowledge-based, technical and innovative high-quality employees, and build NEP into a sound organization , an employee home that is active in work, has obvious effects, and is trusted by employees, and will make new contributions to the company's development.

Post time: Jun-11-2021