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NEP shares are well underway

Spring returned, fresh starts for everything. On January 29, 2023, the eighth day of the first lunar month, in the clear morning light, all the company's employees lined up neatly and held a grand New Year's opening ceremony. At 8:28, the flag-raising ceremony kicked off with the majestic national anthem. All employees stared at the bright five-star red flag rising, expressing their deep blessings for the motherland and best wishes for the company's development.


Subsequently, all employees reviewed the company's vision, mission, strategic goals and work style.

Ms. Zhou Hong, the general manager of the company, extended cordial greetings and New Year blessings to everyone, and gave a mobilization speech. She pointed out: 2023 has begun a new chapter, and in the face of new challenges, all employees are required to work under the leadership of the board of directors. We will go all out, work hard, comprehensively promote the company's various business operations, and devote ourselves to work with fuller enthusiasm, more solid style, and more effective measures. Focus on the following tasks: 1. Focus on the target tasks and be fully motivated to implement them; 2. Refine work measures, quantify work tasks, and pay attention to work effectiveness; 3. Adhere to technological innovation, improve product quality, and enhance the NEP brand; 4. Take multiple measures to reduce costs and brainstorm to increase efficiency; 5. Complete the relocation of the new base and do a good job in site optimization and safe production.

 A new journey has begun. Let us use all our strength to move forward, chase our dreams while running, run at Nip acceleration, and create a new atmosphere of development!

Post time: Jan-29-2023