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Pursue the light of faith and gather development power—Naip pumps’s conference to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was successfully held

At 3 pm on July 1, 2021, NEP pumps held a grand meeting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. More than 60 people including all party members, company leaders and management personnel attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Administrative Director Tian Lingzhi. Relevant persons in charge of the Party and Mass Work Bureau of Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone attended the meeting.

Nep Pumps Held A 2021 Business Plan Publicity Meeting

The conference kicked off with the passionate and majestic national anthem. All the staff watched the feature film "Report on the Centenary Work of the Communist Party of China". The film showed us the centenary course of the Communist Party of China written with blood, sweat, tears, courage, wisdom and strength. They reviewed the history of the party and gained a deeper understanding of the origins of the red regime. The new China did not come easily, and socialism with Chinese characteristics did not come easily, which further strengthened the four self-confidences.

General Manager Ms. Zhou Hong delivered a speech at the conference. First of all, on behalf of the party branch, she extended holiday condolences to all party members! Congratulations to the outstanding party members who won the award! She said: The Communist Party of China has united and led the people across the country and achieved world-renowned achievements, enabling the Chinese people to stand up, become rich, and become strong, which fully proves that the Communist Party of China is a great, glorious, and correct Marxist party. NEP pumps should take the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party as an opportunity to call on all Communist Party members and cadres to carry forward the Party's fine traditions, strive to set an example, benchmark against excellence, base themselves on their posts, work hard, and make new contributions to the company's high-quality development. She also reviewed the work in the first half of the year and made arrangements for the work in the second half of the year. Outstanding party members who have won the two new working committees of the Municipal Party Committee, and representatives of the production line and market line made speeches respectively, expressing their belief and determination to not be afraid of difficulties, stick to their original aspirations, and continue to struggle.

Nep Pumps Held A 2021 Business Plan Publicity Meeting

Chairman Geng Jizhong made an important speech: He hopes that all employees will be diligent and dedicated, take craftsmanship as their professional belief, adhere to the original intention of the company, conscientiously practice the mission of using green fluids to benefit mankind, and strive to build the company into a company with Chinese characteristics A benchmark enterprise in the pumps, contributing to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Nep Pumps Held A 2021 Business Plan Publicity Meeting

Afterwards, all the party members raised their right fists high, solemnly swore an oath, and reviewed the oath of joining the party; all the staff reviewed the corporate culture and sang the red song "Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China" together. In the red memory, everyone's spirit was once again strengthened Baptism and sublimation.

Nep Pumps Held A 2021 Business Plan Publicity Meeting

Nep Pumps Held A 2021 Business Plan Publicity Meeting

Post time: Jul-02-2021