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Surpass dreams and keep moving forward–NEP Pump Industry held a 2020 business plan publicity and implementation meeting

At 8:30 on January 2, 2020, NEP Pump Industry solemnly held the 2020 annual business work plan publicity meeting and target responsibility letter signing ceremony. The meeting focused on the four key points of "business goals, work ideas, work measures, and work implementation   " Content expands. All management personnel of the company and sales managers of overseas branches attended the meeting.

At the meeting, General Manager Ms. Zhou Hong publicized and explained the 2020 work plan. Mr. Zhou pointed out that in 2019, we overcame difficulties and achieved excellent results, successfully completed various operating indicators and reached the best level in history. In 2020, we will continue to move forward and maintain high-quality development of the enterprise. The whole company must unify their thinking, strengthen their confidence, improve measures, and pay close attention to implementation. On the basis of summarizing experience, guided by lean thinking, we insist on being market-oriented, goal- and problem-oriented, focusing on key points, making up for shortcomings, strengthening weaknesses, breaking bottlenecks, seizing market opportunities, and establishing brand advantages; insist on Technological innovation leads the industry; strengthens quality control and creates excellent products; strengthens work collaboration and taps management potential; opens up information channels and consolidates management foundation; strengthens talent training, cultivates corporate culture, enhances core competitiveness, and promotes high-quality development of enterprises.

Subsequently, Mr. Zhou signed a target responsibility letter with representatives of the heads of each department and held a solemn oath ceremony.

Finally, Chairman Geng Jizhong gave a mobilization speech. He pointed out that this year is the 20th anniversary of the establishment of NEP Pump Industry . Over the past 20 years, we have not forgotten our original aspirations, always put products first, and won the market with high-quality products. In the face of achievements, we must guard against arrogance and impetuosity, be honest, make products in a down-to-earth manner, and be honest, dedicated and diligent. I hope that in the new year, everyone will have the courage to take responsibility, continue to improve, work together, and move forward.

New goals start a new journey, and a new starting point gives new impetus. The clarion call for progress has been sounded, and all NEP people will go all out, not afraid of difficulties and challenges, and with a sense of mission to seize the day, move forward courageously and work hard to achieve the 2020 business goals! Stick to your original intention and live up to your time!

Post time: Jan-04-2020